Sunday, March 24, 2013

Nutritional Yeast...Great on popcorn!

In many different vegan articles and websites I have seen the food nutritional yeast mentioned many times.  It is often used as a topping on something and has kind of a cheesy, nutty flavor to it.

Nutritional yeast is not your standard yeast that you use for making dough looks like flakes...almost like yellow-colored fish food (LOL) but without the nasty smell!  A co-worker told me she sprinkles it on her popcorn and it is like eating cheese popcorn.

Today I decided to try some on a batch of popcorn.  I always use my Stir Crazy popper by West Bend Company because it is the best popper out there BAR NONE.  I use a little bit of olive oil with it.  I sprinkled some of the nutritional yeast on and it was great!  It was almost just like cheese popcorn.

Give it a try!

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog, Dana. Love the recipes. Try using your coconut oil in that Stir Crazy popper. Coconut oil is better at the higher temperatures than olive oil.
